OCC Makeup Review

Tuesday 13 January 2015

As far as cruelty free and vegan makeup goes, there's not a huge range, especially not in the UK. We have Barry M (who make the best nail varnishes) and ELF, but nothing completely luxurious or on par with Mac. But luckily, I have found one makeup company that deserves the highest praise and that is OCC, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics.

First of all, let's discuss lip tars. These things deserve an entire blog post to themselves but right now I'll try and condense their amazingness for the sake of time.

These things are absolutely essential to any makeup lover's collection and you only need the tiniest amount - roughly the size of a lentil (lol at my vegan food reference. But seriously, the amount you need is smaller than a pea and all I could think of is lentils) - and then with the brush that comes free with the lip tars, you spread the tar across the rest of your lips and they'll be painted for the entire day. Even longer if you're bad at taking makeup off like I am. One of my favourite products is this primary pack.

With this pack you can mix and match them to create any colour you want. That's one of the beauties of OCC lip tars, you can mix the colours to create whatever you want if they don't have your favourite shade in their collection.

When it comes to skin, OCC have ranges of concealers, airbrush foundations and tinted moisturisers in both yellow and red tones. I find the airbrush foundation has a flawless finish, which is good for my skin. I also use the white concealer as a highlighter and a darker concealer as a contour and they work perfectly.

OCC cosmetic pencils are perfectly pigmented and work as eyeliners, lipliners and eyebrow pencils. I like to use the colour sybil for my eyebrows and NSFW as lipliner if I'm combining it with the lip tar in the same colour. They also have a anti-feathering pencil to use as a lipliner which stops the lip tars running. However, in my experience, the lip tar has never run, but it's nice to know the anti-feathering pencil is there just in case.

OCC also have a range of brushes all completely vegan and free from animal hairs. I personally prefer to use sponges to apply stuff like foundation, but I do own some of the OCC brushes. I love their lip tar brush. It's a bigger, better version of the tiny one that comes free with their lip tars.

If, like me, you live in the UK and are curious about where to purchase these products, I like to buy them from Cocktail Cosmetics. OCC is not a cheap brand, but I think their products are completely worth the money. Especially their lip tars, as you need such a small amount, they never seem to run out.

I hope you enjoyed this review. Thank you for reading.

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