This is a part of my new series of recipes which will be 'Eating Vegan for Under £1' as I know some people struggle with the idea that vegan food can be inexpensive and delicious.
As well as teaching you the recipe, I'll teach you where to find the ingredients (they'll usually be from your local supermarket) and how I calculated the full price of the meal. The pots, pans and kitchen equipment I use will not be included in the price of the recipe, but every ingredient will.
Another thing about this series is every meal will be easy to cook and no complicated, expensive equipment will be required. I hope you enjoy this series!
(Serves 1. Takes 35 minutes)
- 100g Sainsbury's Italian Vermicelli
- 200g Sainsbury's Cherry Tomatoes, halved
- 1 clove of garlic, chopped
- Dried Parsley, salt and pepper to season
- 2 tbsp of olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 200c or gas mark 6.
- In an oven-proof dish place the tomatoes face up, drizzle with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 30 minutes.
- Add the garlic to the dish after 20 minutes.
- In a large pan, add the vermicelli to boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes.
- Drain the vermicelli.
- Take the tomatoes and garlic out of the oven.
- Add the vermicelli to the garlic and tomatoes and combine.
- Season with parsley.
How I Did The Maths:
- Sainsburys Italian Vermicelli cost £0.65 for 500g, and we will use 1/5 of the pack. So this costs £0.13
- Sainsburys Cherry Tomatoes cost £1.90 for 650g. We will use 200g. So that is £0.58
- 1 Garlic costs £0.30, and the average garlic has 10-11 cloves. So this is £0.03 for a clove.
- We would use less than 1% of the dried parsley, salt and pepper. But to round them up it would be £0.01 each.
- 100ml of olive oil cost £0.32. Tbsp converted into ml is 17ml per tbsp. 2 tbsp is 34ml. = £0.11
All together this recipe costs £0.88
(Thank you to my housemates, Emma and Emily, and my mum for helping me with the maths c:)
(Thank you to my housemates, Emma and Emily, and my mum for helping me with the maths c:)
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